Ten Commandments: If you don't need it, you don't need to buy it

Photo taken from https://unsplash.com
After I started working, I always told myself that I need to "treat myself" all the time. I was always into buying the latest technologies available. There was always a justification as to why I need to get the all the things I bought. Whether it was, "I've been wanting it for a long time", or "it will help me with writing music", or just simply "I deserve it because I've been working so hard".

Listening to The Happiness Project book opened my eyes to something different. Then a co-worker suggested a podcast to me, The Minimalists. I've told her about me wanting to move to a tiny home, or decluttering, and she said that I might like that podcast. I'm just trying to catch up from the episodes, and I am enjoying every little moment of it.

I have always wanted to try to live a minimal lifestyle, but I thought that being a minimalist means that I can only have 10 things or less that I own. The podcast taught me something else, it taught me that living a minimalist lifestyle means that you own things that add value to your life and discard things that do not.

Grant should also get credit to this. Everytime we go out to shop, he would always ask me, "do you really need that?" Yes! I do need the tartelette 2 eye shadow palette even though I have four large eye shadow palettes at home. At first, it was annoying for him to as me this question, but as time passed by, I realized, no, I do not need that $54 eye shadow palette. I have all the other ones, and I hardly even wear make up. So, thanks babe! :)

The podcast opened my eyes to new things. Will I be a complete minimalist? Maybe, but it takes time. Will I own only 10 items? Definitely not. I definitely realized how much belongings I own when we were moving out and it took me a couple of weeks to completely pack my stuff, and he took half a day. Knowing what I know now about minimizing makes me feel comfortable and excited to start this new journey. I am happy that Grant is supporting me 100% on this challenge for myself. I think he's already a few years ahead of me with minimizing.



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