Ten Commandments: Never let anyone rent space in your head for free

This is a recent thing for me!

For those of you who really know who I am know that I worry a lot. It definitely is difficult not to overthink about something, well at least for me.

I have a co-worker who I talk to a lot, and I guess we've developed some kind of a friendship. One day, I came to work, and I just felt really sad. Someone reconnected with me and told me why we stopped talking. I know for a fact that I can take criticisms, if they make sense, but this reason just didn't make sense to me. Instead of getting mad about it, I just got sad. I was thinking that it was a really petty thing, but that's just my opinion. As soon as I got to work, my coworker asked me what was wrong, so I explained what happened. Then my coworker told me, "That's the lamest excuse ever," and then went on about how "stupid" the reason was. Towards the end, my coworker said, "My father once told me to never let anyone rent space in your head for free. You should do the same."

It is not easy. I tend to dwell on whatever people say about me. But then, if you think about it, you can't really please everyone. Some people will just say mean things to you just to make them feel good about themselves, and it's not your fault if that ever happens.

So this is what I told myself, "I'll take my coworkers advice and try my best to not even let anyone rent space in my head for free!" So far, it's been going great. All I care about are the people who actually care about me, and I feel like there is less things for me to worry about.

You should try it. Maybe go for a week, a month, without having to think about anybody who doesn't really add value to your life. See the changes that happen!



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